McCale and Karleigh

McCale and Karleigh

Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 30, 2007

A few posts have not made it out here, and a few just didnt happen because of lack of time... it seems like yesterday we were packing and planning for a trip that was a few days from now and just a few minutes ago.

The kids are growing like weeds. They are happy, healthy and a handful! We all have our moments and are finding new and different ways to express our feelings. We have become a family.

McCale continues to be active, still snacks on dog food if he can, and he also has no issue with stealing a few nuggets from the cat bowl. Now you would think at 3.5 years, he would get the fact that there are other snack foods that taste better. I suppose his taste has matured, he no longer goes for the bowl, but takes a fresh piece from the bag.

He runs, jumps, climbs, gets into the cabinets, loves to take things apart and is a skilled atv rider, (battery powered). He is amazing when it comes to maneuvering the vehicle and on more than one occasion he has said that he wants to take daddys motor-cycle out for a ride... he also mentions he knows where the keys are. YIKES!!!!

Karleigh has blossomed into the Kazakh princess she was destined to be. She loves jewels, fancy dresses, pocketbooks and pink fingernails. This entire summer I could have saved a bundle...she wore only the pink dress my mom made for her with frills on the sleeves and ballet attire. Although not officially in ballet, she has quite the routine if you pretend you are not watching and let her become absorbed into one of her favorite dvd's. She loves Barbie - fairytopia, mermadia and anything that is frilly. She is a shoe fiend and is very particular with her ensembles.

The two of them together are a complete crack up. McCale shows his soft side, will share, cater to Karleigh and will often help clean up. Karleigh on the other hand likes the full service treatment and will instruct McCale to get her something or bring a blanket to her and he will. They ADORE each other and dont like to be apart (not much) Once in a while they will you want to go to the store,,, "just you and me?". I love that, and eat them up.. but when push comes to shove, they want the other to come along.

Today, a milestone day and perhaps what prodded the return to blogging - or maybe its just that its coming up on the day we left.. dunno...regardless.... McCale stopped in the store, hugged my leg and said "I love you". Its really a first that he has randomly said that and showed such open affection. He is a cuddle bunny, dont get me wrong, I know he loves me and there is no attachment issue - he just never said it like that before. If he would have asked me for ANY toy in that store, a truck load of candy and maybe even GUM..the forbidden but frequently request treat of all times.. It would have been HIS. My heart, tears welled, I picked him up and hugged him for all I was worth. THIS is what life is about.

Karleigh regularly shows affection too, she is a sweetheart and a lapkid. I have no doubt Mc would be more of one if he could only sit still. :)

They moved to twin beds a few days ago from their plastic, low to the floor step two toddler fire engine and dollhouse, it was a sad day to pull the beds out..we did it quick as to avoid the slow agony of lifting a bandaid off one inch at a time. They love their new beds - floral motif and what else, motorcycle driver accents... the beds are so big, and to see them tucked in with their heads on a pillow, its clear that they are growing up.

Preschool is starting next week. Id be lying if I said I was not disturbed by this. Insane pangs of jealousy are coming upon me....... I dont want to have someone else teach them how to write their name!!! Thats MY job!!!!!! They are very ready for it, they will love it and I need to cut the strings some for all of our own good!!

McCale can sing the entire Bruce song "Thunder Road" and Karleigh can explain how a caterpillar changes to a butterfly - along with the props we have in the livingroom consisting of a fish tank and cocooned caterpillar... gosh I hope that thing busts out soon into a butterfly. we are going to have major disappointment if it just sits there all winter. Anyhow, they have learned alot and I will continue to focus on the fun stuff, like lego building and finger painting - teaching someone how to write their name is highly over rated!!

Hopefully I can come back to this over the next few weeks and at least describe how rediculous it was that I was nervous. It would be nice to report that there is no more dog food consumption and we are diaper free - but well.. all in good time I suppose.

More soo. Colene

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