McCale and Karleigh

McCale and Karleigh

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Preschool has kicked off and the kids are warming up to the schedule nicely. Mrs. Carasio has their days filled with fingerpainting w/ pudding, shaving cream ghosts and they have had to where a specific color to every class for three weeks now. They are really enjoying it, making friends and growing in all ways, physically, emotionally and UP.

Karleigh has been having mid-afternoon meltdowns lately, really pushing to see how far the kicking and screaming can get her. She was screaming in the car "you are hurting my feelings" - maybe 10 - 20 times...Im not sure why I was, or what I had done, but boy she was sure they hurt.

Mc on the other hand is really coming into his own, he is listening, behaving, and much as can be expected. : ) He is a sensitive little soul who really gets concerned if someone is hurt or if something is wrong. He will give random hugs more and more and is actually containable in Walmart these days. YES, they jet off screaming in front of me and I still look like the mom who cannot control her kids (any mom reading this who does not have any yet - shame on you for judging you too will have your day). They speak well, are learning consequences and really "Get it" if we have a prize involved for good behavior such as a Barbie -anything....or a robot/power ranger or motorcycle theme.

Im really looking forward to the holidays and have cut them off from presents until Santa comes, This is very hard to do - but when I see the toys out there - specifically the huge $250 horse that you feed and it moves its head, etc. that they BEG for (no, not going to get it) - but they want it all this year, and then some. The best part is, McCale could get just as happy about "the forbidden" piece of gum, so I think we are safe from the marketing ploys of the holiday season, at least for this year.

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